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As Black As My Heart!

Tomorrow..... As Black as My Heart: Wednesday 2-14-18 Starting at 6pm! -Valentine's Day Black Beer Tap Takeover! -Three Floyd Mini Feature: Blot out the Sun, Oil of Gladness, Zombie Dust & Floyd Division 5 -Beer & Sweet Pairing with Popped (Epic Baptista w/Fire House Popcorn Drizzled with Chocolate. 3 Floyds Blot out the Sun w/Sea Salt Caramel. Sierra Nevada Coco Narwhal w/Peanut Claw & Ballast Point High West w/Bourbon Toasted Marshmallow)

Bottle Release: (Begins promptly at 7pm. Tickets may be given out between 6pm-7pm if there is a large turnout for bottle release beers. ) -Bells BA Cherry Stout 12oz (24) -Epic Big Bad Baptista 22oz (12) -Epic Triple Barrel Baptist 22oz (12) -Founders CBS 750ml (12) -Lagunitas Willettized 12oz (24) -Off Color Dino Smores 12oz (12) -Off Color Coffee Dino Smores 12oz (12) -Prairie Pirate Bomb 12oz (12) -Prairie Pirate Noir 12oz (12) -Three Floyds Zombie Dust 12oz -Three Floyds Blot out the Sun 22oz -Three Floyds Behemoth 22oz

Breakfast at Bottles Feb 24th at 10am! -Made to order Omelettes, Peace Love and Little Donuts, & Coffee from Bent Tree! -Breakfast Themed Beers!

Tonight's Menu!

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