Happy Beaujolais Day everyone! Come pick up a bottle and enjoy the holiday! Today is also KSU Appreciation Thursday where you can come in before 7:00pm for a myriad of deals!
These deals include:
-Flights $3.00 off
-Moonshine pours $1.00 off
-Bourbon drinks & pours $1.00 off
-Wine by the Glass $1.00 off
-Drafts $1.00 off
Have a great day and we'll see you soon!
New in Today:
-Taft's Santa's Bribe 6pk
-Odd Side Bourbon Barrel Hazel's Nuts 4pk
-Odd Side Toasted Marshmallow and Coconut Hazel's Nuts 4pk
-Odd Side Bourbon Barrel Mayan Mocha 4pk
-Odd Side Don't You Forget About Me 6pk
-Rogue Hazelnut 6pk
-Rogue Nitro Shakespeare Stout 16oz 4pk
-Spider Monkey Christmas IPA 16oz 4pk
